Millipedes of the Vysočina Region
As a part of the Vysočina Region Biodiversity project, we process the occurrence and spread of rare, endangered and regionally important species of the millipedes (Diplopoda) in the Vysočina Region. The required result is a commented list of all species of millipedes found in the Vysočina Region. Part of the outcome will be a comprehensive list of literature dealing with their spread at the concerned area; for the rarest taxa, the maps of their current, eventually historical spread will be prepared. A list of most important localities of the Vysočina Region will be made. The project will include complementation of the species overview and current spread by field survey, excerpt of historical as well as present literature available and cooperation with other experts.
Guarantee: RNDr. Karel Tajovský, CSc. (realised in cooperation with Biology Centre of the CAS, Institute of Soil Biology of the CAS).
Within the framework of the project "Vysočina Region Biodiversity", the occurrence and spread of the millipedes (Diplopoda) in the Vysočina Region was studied. In the Vysočina Region, 43 species of millipedes were recorded on the basis of collected data.
List of millipedes (Diplopoda) of the Vysočina Region
Říše: Živočichové (Animalia)
Kmen: Členovci (Arthropoda)
Třída: Mnohonožky (Diplopoda)
- chlupule podkorní (Polyxenus lagurus)
- chobotule oranžová (Polyzonium germanicum)
- dlouženka nahnědlá (Proteroiulus fuscus)
- dlouženka slepá (Blaniulus guttulatus)
- dlouženka útlá (Choneiulus palmatus)
- haděnka suťová (Pachypodoiulus eurypus)
- hrbule hajní (Haasea flavescens)
- hrbule pohorská (Haasea germanica)
- hrbulka jižní (Melogona broelemanni)
- hrbulka poříční (Melogona voigtii)
- mnohonožka lesní (Julus scandinavius)
- oblanka britská (Cylindroiulus britannicus)
- oblanka okrová (Cylindroiulus boleti)
- oblanka půdní (Enantiulus nanus)
- oblanka šedomodrá (Kryphioiulus occultus)
- oblanka sídelní (Cylindroiulus caeruleocinctus)
- oblanka velká (Cylindroiulus luridus)
- oblanka zahradní (Cylindroiulus latestriatus)
- plochule hrbolatá (Brachydesmus superus)
- plochule křehká (Polydesmus complanatus)
- plochule zubovitá (Polydesmus denticulatus)
- prouženka Bagnalliova (Brachyiulus bagnalli)
- prouženka jednopásá (Megaphyllum unilineatum)
- prouženka podzimní (Megaphyllum projectum)
- prstencovka dvoupásá (Ommatoiulus sabulosus)
- skvrněnka habrová (Ochogona caroli)
- skvrněnka pestrá (Craspedosoma rawlinsi)
- skvrněnka severní (Listrocheiritium septentrionale)
- šňůrovka drobná (Nemasoma varicorne)
- špičanka dlouhoocasá (Ophyiulus pilosus)
- špičanka hadovitá (Leptoiulus noricus)
- špičanka markomanská (Leptoiulus marcomannius)
- špičanka mokřadní (Leptoiulus proximus)
- špičanka tmavá (Leptoiulus trilobatus)
- štětenka bosenská (Mastigona bosniensis)
- štětenka křovinná (Haploporatia eremita)
- stíněnka hnědočervená (Strongylosoma stigmatosum)
- svinule čtyřpásá (Glomeris tetrasticha)
- svinule lesní (Glomeris pustulata)
- svinule šestipásá (Glomeris hexasticha)
- svinule skvrnitá (Glomeris connexa)
- svinulka žebrovitá (Trachysphaera costata)
- uzlenka čpavá (Unciger foetidus)
- uzlenka sedmihradská (Unciger transsilvanicus)
- zeměnka skrytá (Brachychaeteuma bradeae)